Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Stomach cramps

On Saturday I experiened some severe stomach cramps. I began the day still constipated (four days!) - this has been a typical experience after each of my band adjustments, presumably because of the lack of fibre consumed while on fluids and mush. I decided some serious action was needed and took several measures to deal with the situation in a multi-pronged attack! I started the day with a good-sized bowl of All-Bran which packs in loads of fibre. Mid-morning I drank a strong coffee (caffeine aids digestion) and ate a banana. Later, I ate some brown bread and had more coffee (I'm normally a weak tea drinker). After my lunch, which included the bread and some mixed salad, I developed a sudden attack of stomach cramps - severe enough that I couldn't stand up comfortably, and I had to sit down. To begin with I was a little anxious that I had done something to my band. But then I realised the pain was too low down for that to be the case. I presumed that it was related to the constipation or perhaps to the sudden rush of fibre rushing around my digestive system!!

Anyway, a lot of sitting down, some soluble paracetomol and a couple of hours later, the pain gradually eased. Once I was able to stand up I moved around quite a bit and a little later I was fine again. By that time I had decided that it might have all been related to the olives I had in my mixed salad which have probably been in the fridge a little longer than they should have been. However, I mentioned this all to my Dad on the phone later that day and he said it sounded like trapped wind! I have heard of people getting trapped wind and talking of a lot of pain being involved, but I have never experienced anything like this myself. You live and learn.....!


  1. Hi Theresa! I found your blog via a Google search and have spent the last few days reading your entries. Thanks for all of the information you provide and congratulations on your weight loss thus far! I know you've put a lot of work into this new lifestyle.

  2. Hi Banded Girl,

    Thanks so much for your kind comments. You are so right - it is a new lifestyle when you get banded - but so worth it!

    All the best on your own journey
