Thursday, April 2, 2009

Protein boost

I've decided that I need to eat more protein. I'm taking a leaf out of the American's book and trying to boost my protein intake, partly just to make sure I get enough bone and muscle-supporting vitamins and minerals, but also because protein makes you feel full for longer compared with carbohydrate and veggies. Since my last fill I have had some restriction but it seems to be quite variable. I have noticed that I am often getting hungry early afternoon but not in the evening. So, I am going to boost the size of my lunches and include more protein, in the hope that I will be able to keep going till my evening meal without too much trouble.

I tried this strategy yesterday and today. Today, for example, I ate salmon with Philadelphia cheese on it, boiled potatoes and sprouts. This was incredibly filling and my 'full' feeling lasted from lunch time (about 12.30pm) till 8pm this evening when I ate my dinner! Yesterday, I ate vegetable chilli (packed with loads of protein-rich beans) and prawns (also high in protein). That also made me quite full until I had my evening meal.

I am going to continue to make a concerted effort to boost my protein intake and the size of my lunch over the next week or so and monitor how it goes. I am cautiously optimistic that with this sort of regime, I may have achieved a decent amount of restriction at long last.

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