Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A wardrobe overhaul

I spent a little time today sorting out my wardrobe. I now have two large piles of clothes, one for chucking in the bin, and the other for presenting to a charity shop. Honestly, some of the clothes I will be giving away have never been worn and still bear the original labels! So why did I buy them in the first place? Well, mainly out of desperation. When you are a size 24, going on 26, there isn't a great deal of choice in the shops. It takes a mountainous effort just to find something that fits, so I haven't had the luxury for about ten years of being able to buy clothes that I actually liked. The result is, that I would buy stuff - because it fit - then get it home and decide that I simply wouldn't, or couldn't, be seen dead in it, even if this meant continuing to wear my old, worn out clothes.

I also found quite a few items of clothing that I had never worn because they were too small..... I used to have a habit of buying things that nearly fit - in the hope that when I lost weight I would be able to wear them. In reality, I never did lose the weight - and they never got worn. Of course I have lost a lot of weight recently but so rapidly that I passed the point of being able to wear these clothes before I realised they were there!

I must confess that I baulked a little at getting rid of so many 'large' clothes. I haven't kept anything, except one pair of my largest trousers - so that when I'm thin I can have a laugh about how big I used to be.... In the back of my mind all the time though, I was thinking, what if I gain weight and need these clothes again? What if the band doesn't work and I go back to being a size 26? But you know what? I am done with that life - that's the old me and I don't want her back, ever. Period. Goodbye and good riddance.

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