Friday, August 7, 2009

Changing bedroom habits.....

No, no, no! I didn't mean those bedroom habits! I was reading on the UKGastricBand forum about a new bandit who was experiencing some pain at her port site, and I thought it might be helpful to relay my port experiences as a nine month-old bandit. Once I had got over the immediate aftermath of the surgery, during which I did experience some discomfort around my port site, I've rarely had much trouble with it. Some months ago when I began a pilates course, I got a sharp pain doing one particular exercise. Subsequently, I tried the same exercise, but more cautiously at first, and got no pain - so it must gave been a one-off. Having lost about seven stone now, my port protrudes - more noticeably to me than anyone else because I am looking down on it if you see what I mean.

However, one permanent change that my port has brought about is when I'm lying in bed. All through my life I've been a left side sleeper. However, after the op it was too uncomfortable to sleep on my left (where my port is) so I switched to my right, for what I thought, would be a temporary phase. However, I find that even now, if I sleep for very long on my left side I wake up with a pain around my port which feels like muscle tightness. It goes away very soon after I either get up or turn onto my right side, but it seems to be a permanent feature of my bedtime habits now.

I miss sleeping on my left side, not least because my other half likes to have the light on - so now instead of having my back to it I'm staring at it all night! But it's not a big problem. I'm curious to know how much more sticky-outy my port will get as I lose more weight. Not that I'm planning to start modelling bikinis or anything, but it's a constant reminder that I have this alien thing inside me.

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