Monday, August 10, 2009

Hunger pangs and fullness

I've had a funny old day in terms of hunger! I decided to have a two-part breakfast to try and stave off hunger this morning. I started, first thing, with some cereal and orange juice. Then mid-morning I had one small slice of beans on toast. This kept me going until lunch time when I had a tuna and cottage cheese sandwich with mixed side salad. However, by mid-afternoon I was hungry again. I really struggled from about 3pm till 7pm and only got by through snacking. My first snack was a large nectarine, which seemed to have no effect in reducing my hunger pangs. Later I ate a small banana and that filled me right up!

We ate dinner at about 8pm and I had a vegetarian bean bake with mushroom-stuffed pasta, green beans and mushrooms. I had only eaten one third of this when I started to feel full. I probably should gave stopped eating at about half way through because I was full, but I simply couldn't resist the urge to plough on. I ate all of it in the end (about 280 calories in total) but this left feeling rather over-stuffed. It's the first time I have this level of fullness for many weeks.

So my total calorie count for the day is quite good (about 1050). However, on and off, I've struggled with both hunger and feeling too full! Odd. I haven't quite worked out if this is just a blip or if it is somehow related to my two-part breakfast. I'll monitor my progress over the coming days and see what happens.

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