Monday, September 7, 2009

Good food versus bad food

Well - yesterday I proved it. If there was any doubt left in my mind that the band restricts your food intake when you eat sensible, healthy food, but just lets fatty, sugary food go right through, I proved it beyond all doubt yesterday. I'm away in Durham at a conference. During the afternoon I got an opportunity to get away, get some air and go back to my room for a breather. I don't know what came over me, but on the way back I found myself in a shop buying all sorts of naughty goodies (or 'baddies' as they should be referred to). Back in my room I scoffed them all - cashew nuts, two kitkats and chocolate buttons (those things should be banned from civilisation!!). They all slid down very nicely, very quickly, and without even hitting the sides.

About three hours later I joined the rest of the delegates in the dining room for evening meal. It was a self serve canteen and I opted for a piece of breaded plaice, two boiled potatoes and a large spoonful of mixed vegetables (broccoli and carrots). The veggies were cooked 'al dente'. Oh, and I also selected a nice creamy chocolate mousse-thing for dessert.....

Bearing in mind that the bad food I'd eaten earlier had hardly hit the sides - you wouldn't have dreamt I even had a band if you'd seen me..... the evening meal was a completely different story. I couldn't manage the breadcrubs at all - too doughy and getting stuck. I ate the tiny amount of fish that was left inside the breadcrumbs, one of the potatoes (and that was a struggle) and about half of the veg. By the time I'd eaten that I was stuffed. Totally stuffed. But what about the dessert? I ate a little mouthful of it - just a taste, thinking that there was no way I was going to get it down, but it went down easily - all of it!!

So the moral of the tale is this: The band really, really, really, does allow all sorts of rubbish food through it as though it wasn't there. It sort of goes on strike the moment you put chocolate, mousse, peanuts or any other 'bad' stuff anywhere near it. However, if you tempt it with wholesome grains, steamed vegetables or fish, boiled potatoes and all other things good, it leaps into action lke a sort of internal Superman and does a very hard days work for low pay. So. All I have to do now is find something to control my brain.

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