Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Extreme slimming

Just finished watching a documentary on ITV called 'Extreme Slimming'. The programme focussed on several men and women who have lost HUGE amounts of weight. One man reached a whopping 60 stone before getting a gastric band and getting down to 14 stone. A lady who started off at 34 stone reached 23 stone after a gastric band and then decided to get a bypass too. There was also a lady who started off at 24 stone and reached about 9 before getting pregnant - something she wasn't able to do when she was obese.

The less obvious thing that all of these people had in common was the post-weight loss problems of dealing with excess skin. Being honest, some of the images shown on the TV were pretty horrific and I have nothing but sympathy for the people involved. So many of them were having loads of extra surgery to remove the excess skin, including 'Colin' who had at least three major operations. Now, although these people were particularly overweight and in many ways were not really expecting their bodies to be perfect after weight-loss, it's just such a pity that after the effort of losing all that weight and achieving their targets, they then had to go through so much more.

I must confess I have had concerns about whether I will be left with an 'abdominal apron' after weight loss. I don't expect perfection - I think I am a reasonably realistic person. However, I would feel it was a bit of a kick in the teeth if my tummy looked really awful after reaching my target. I REALLY do not want to have to go through more surgery. But I tell you this, if I end up with a horrible sagging stomach that is unsightly and hangs down - I will. I can also tell you this, I know my husband will love me whatever I look like - after all - he has stood by me for many years as an obese person. I think he would be against me having any further surgery. But I guess it will be my decision, and will depend on whether I am sufficiently happy with what I see in the mirror........

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