Tuesday, November 11, 2008

All going smoothly – except the blender?

I’m one third of the way through the five-day pre-op diet and there isn’t much to report yet. I ate about 800 calories yesterday, though I swapped two of the strawberry shakes for some lovely steamed vegetables (courgettes, aubergine, oyster mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and broccoli, with loads of black pepper and soy sauce). Next week I will get some vanilla shakes so I can add my own flavourings to make them more interesting!

Liquidising ice cubes is interesting though – it’d be nice to know if anyone else has found a reliable way to do this without making the blender smell of burning.....!

I’m rapidly getting used to the idea of having a band and am even, psychologically, starting to think I already have one. I’ve noticed a definite ‘lift’ in my spirit and have even found myself whistling along the corridor at work! I suppose I sense that real, lasting change is on its way. Wish me luck!


  1. hi there,

    im chel im also booked for banding on friday the 14th im going to belguim for mine.i think you have done the right thing keeping quiet i wish i had now as im feeling so much pressure everyone is waiting for me to get to size 10 lol.

    best of luck for sat i will keep yopur blog on favs so can keep up with your journey would be nice to chat as were similar dates

    chel x

  2. Hi Chel,

    Thanks for your comment. You're brave, going all the way to Belgium to have it done! Hope you have someone going with you.

    Don't concern yourself with any pressure from others (real or perceived) - you're doing this FOR YOU - nobody else!!

    The best of luck to you on Friday. Do keep in touch, it would be lovely to know how you're getting on over the coming days, weeks and months.

