Monday, November 10, 2008

Day one of the rest of my life

Obama has just been elected and people are talking about there being a sense of a ‘new dawn’, a ‘new era’. It feels the same for me. Today feels like the first day of the rest of my life. My gastric band surgery is fast approaching (15th November 2008) and I have just started my five-day pre-op diet. There’s no turning back now. I weighed in this morning at 19 stone and with a BMI of 41. All the literature on gastric banding suggests I can expect to lose 50-60% of my excess weight which would take me to somewhere between 14 and 15 stone. I’d like to think I can go beyond this, as at that weight I would still be officially ‘obese’ - but on the other hand, I guess 15 stone would be a huge improvement on my current weight.

I’m having the surgery with Healthier Weight in Manchester. I thought about going through the NHS but I heard there are long waiting lists, and not all providers offer this on the NHS anyway. Going private is obviously expensive (£7950 in my case) but I feel I have much more control over what happens, and when.


  1. Hi, just wanted to wish you luck, i had my gastric band fitted Auguest 13th 2008, and although there has been a few problems, it is the best thing i have done. I had my first band adj yesterday and im pleased to say it was painless:) My starting weight was 19st i am now 16st 5....i am really pleased with the result so far. Take care and look forward to reading your progress x Angie x

  2. Thanks Angie. It's really good for me to see someone, who started at about the same weight as me, having lost over two and a half stone - WELL DONE YOU!! It's also goot ot hear that the band adjustment is painless - I'm not worried about that yet cos it seems a while off, but I guess I will start to get butterflies nearer the time - so thanks for the reassurance.

  3. hi teresa, I to have booked to go to Manchester with Healthier weight for the 17th Jan 2009. feel nervous but excited. Just wanted to wish you well and will be interested in reading about how you get on x Caroline x

  4. Hi Caroline,
    That's good timing - you'll be able to enjoy Christmas, whereas I will be having my first pureed Christmas dinner!!! I decided to go for it as soon as I could because I'm not good at waiting!
    Good luck and keep in touch,

  5. Hi Theresa, hope everything is going ok for you, and that you are not in to much discomfort, thinking of x Angie x
