Friday, November 28, 2008

What to say when asked?

Twice this week I've had to deal with colleagues at work who have asked me straight out, what I had 'done' when I was in hospital having 'minor surgery' last week. I had to tell my line manager and a couple of colleagues that I was going for surgery two weeks ago, but didn't tell anyone what it was all about. I decided a while ago not to tell anyone about my decision to have gastric band surgery except my husband. But I didn't expect colleagues to be quite so nosey!! In the event, I just told both of them that I didn't want to say what it was all about 'at this stage'.

I've been thinking about this issue a lot recently. When I'm not with my husband I feel a bit isolated and alone with my 'secret'. I think I'd like it if there was just one person in my family and one person at work who knew the truth. I'm going to give this some more thought over the weekend and make a decision.

Another related thing that I have struggled with this week, is that lots of colleagues have shown great concern over my health - they know I've had surgery and are genuinely concerned - they probably think I have some 'serious' disease or something. I'm a little anxious about what they might think if they ever found out what I had done - they may think that gastric band surgery is in some way self inflicted, cosmetic surgery etc. Now, don't get me wrong - I emphatically do NOT believe it is cosmetic. In fact, I regard my band as being a preventative measure against some potentially life-threatening diseases (heart disease, strokes, cancer, mobility problems etc). But having read loads of people in the media calling Fern Britton a 'cheat', you just never know what people's reaction is going to be and what misconceptions they have about the band.

I guess that since I'm not planning on telling them (only one, perhaps), I'll just have to deal with this at the time if it ever happens! If people ask me how I have lost weight, I will tell a half truth - I'll say "I'm exercising and eating less" - that would be entirely truthful - it will just leave out one important detail! Having said that, my provider says that while the band does 30% of the work - I will have to do the other 70%.

Time to put on my thinking cap......


  1. I told everyone I had my appendix out. This was fine until someone said to me today "Oh I had that done too, take it easy!" luckily it was via email, so there were no follow-up questions, but I dread to think what I would have had to say in response if it was face to face :) Please please don't stop writing your blog.. I was done exactly 14 days after you, and it is a great help reading it. And I am sure there are loads of others pre and post op who feel the same. Also, has anyone ever said you are a very talented writer? Anyway, enough! byeee x

  2. Wow! That's the first time I've heard of a bandit saying they'd had their appendix out! I just said I was having 'minor surgery' (not quite as minor as I'd thought, in hindsight). A few people at work have probed and tried to find out what I had done - but I just said 'I'm not saying'!

    Thank you SOooooo much for your kind words on my blog and writing 'talent'. I watch the counter going up every day, so I know there's someone out there reading - but it's not the same as having someone like you actually say you like it, and keep doing it. Thank you VERY much! I will continue to write and I hope it helps you in some small way to deal with the daily ups and downs of being a bandit.

    This is so important I'm going to post it, and your comment, as a separate post.....

  3. I was going to use either ovarian cyst removal or hernia repair. Strangely enough no one even noticed my absence.

  4. You have to be careful what lies you tell, someone might have said "oh I have an ovarian cyst too....." and started asking you all sorts of questions about it!!! The second part of your comment just goes to show that none of us are indispensable!
