Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tummy bug or band problem?

Since yesterday afternoon I have not been feeling that well - I have a tight band (excuse the pun) around the middle of my tummy feeling a little like cramp. I also feel a little nauseous, tired and generally feeble - oh, and my appetite (such as it was) has gone completely and I'm struggling to consume anything. Even though I managed a 6000 step walk yesterday early afternoon, today I've not even been able to manage getting out at all. I came up with several theories as to what the problem might be:

1. Trapped wind: Not likely since I have been belching and er, the other, for England!
2. Over-eating or eating too fast: Hardly likely, I only managed 500 calories yesterday - and that was just soup sipped slowly.
3. Some other band-related problem (eg slippage): Again hardly likely since I've only 'eaten' soup and other fluids so far.
4. Tummy bug: Well, colleagues at work have been dropping like flies this week as there is a tummy bug doing the rounds. Having considered all the possibilities, this is the one I think most likely.

Having said all of that, I have improved a little in the last hour or so and got some of my appetite back. I nibbled away at a tiny mashed potato and some runny scrambled egg and actually, that made me feel a little better.

I guess us bandits have to deal with these problems every so often. The key, I suppose, will be to always stick to 'the rules' no matter what is going on with our bodies! Good luck out there.

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