Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Woopee! Another barrier passed!

I went below 17 stone for the first time today in about ten years! I'm 16 stone 12 lbs, so that's about 2 stone and 9 lbs lost since the end of October and 2 stone 6lbs since the pre-op diet! I was getting a little frustrated because I seemed to stick at 17 stone and 1 or 2 lbs for ages, but at last its gone. I think I'm losing the weight from several places - I know my tummy is smaller. My husband says he can get his arms around me to hug me a lot easier now! Unfortunately, although I can just about get my salopettes on and zipped up, they are still too tight and I fear I won't be able to fit into them comfortably enough to ski in a couple of weeks time.

I'm obviously really pleased with my progress so far, though I have to say that it is largely down to my own willpower and support from my husband - the band isn't giving any restriction at the moment as I haven't had a fill. I thought about this the other day and wondered, if I'd known beforehand that you essentially have to 'diet' in the conventional way for at least two or three months before getting any 'help' from the band - would I have gone ahead with it? The answer is yes, because knowing the band is there, and that I must not stretch my pouch, is a good incentive to diet effectively. So, funnily enough, is the £8000 I spent on the surgery!!!

I am pleased, as I said, but also slightly anxious that I might stray over Christmas. I know the odd mince pie won't be a disaster or anything, I'm more concerned that one mince pie will get me quickly back and hooked onto sugary, fatty food. Much like a recovering alcoholic can immediately go bananas with the drink after having just one - that might happen to me with food. I'm determined not to let it - and I've asked my husband to be watchful and help me resist if I need it. Here's to an enjoyable and successful Christmas!

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