Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What kind of dresser will I be?

I tried on a pair of cotton leggings today that I bought years ago and have never fit into! I got them on - though they are still a little tight to wear comfortably. These leggings are really wacky - bright orange and black patterns, with ties at the bottom of the legs as well as round the waist. I remember seeing them in an outdoor shop - they're the kind of loose, baggy 'pants' worn by climbers when they're chilling out in the bar in the evening. I saw them (the pants, not the climbers!), fell in love with them, and bought them even though I couldn't quite get them on - and they've stayed in the wardrobe ever since. About another 7lbs, I reckon, and I'll be able to wear them. Can't wait, I love them.

It got me thinking that I haven't actually worn clothes that I've really liked for at least 15 years. For all that time I've simply had to buy what fit - and that's usually been men's clothes, Evans' garish 'middle-aged woman' outfits, and anything baggy and elasticated. But before that, especially in my late teens and twenties, I was quite a wacky dresser! I used to love wearing clothes that were, well, different! Individual! I had a check jacket that I wore so much it eventually fell to pieces - it was pale blue, pale green and pink with a pink lining! Sounds awful but it was my pride and joy.

I'm wondering, if, and when, I lose loads of weight and start to be able to buy 'normal' clothes - ie from 'normal' clothes shops - what kind of dresser will I be - now, in my 40's? The short answer is that I don't know. I guess that when that time arrives and I can start to shop for new clothes, I will, for the first time in years, actually be able to choose clothes that I like. I suppose I will just buy what takes my fancy at the time.

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